Imagining Life Before Chewing Gum Ban In Singapore | Into The Vault 2 | Full Episode

Born after chewing gum was banned in 1992, artist Chris Chew never knew what he was missing out on until he visited his grandparents in Malaysia. So for his next artwork, Chris pays tribute to the infamous chewing gum. What was life like in Singapore before gum was banned? Chris journeys through the 1970s and 80s when gum-chewing was at its height, and uncovers nostalgic stories of the Singaporean #gumlife - as well as some really nasty ones, like the case of the chewing gum villain in Toa Payoh who terrorised HDB residents for two weeks in 1977 with his obnoxious gum-sticking. Which all leads Chris to chew on this question - what led to the ban of chewing gum in the first place? Was it littering, or was there more to the story than he imagined? Continue watching Into The Vault 2: ====== About #IntoTheVaultCNA: Truth, or fiction? We once had our very own Christian Dior, a real-life chewing gum villain, and a street named after tofu. In this new season, 6 Singaporeans uncover more curious tales from our past. ========== #CNAInsider #IntoTheVaultCNA #SingaporeHistory #ChewingGum For more, SUBSCRIBE to CNA INSIDER! Follow CNA INSIDER on: Instagram: Facebook: Website:

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