The Taiwan (Japan & South Korea) Contingency | When Titans Clash 2 - Part 3/3 | CNA Documentary

“Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow”- that is a hot topic of debate in Taiwan. While some groups prepare for war, others in Taiwan urge closer engagement with China to prevent a tragedy. As senior US officials visit Taiwan, China issues stern warnings and sends fighter jets into Taiwan’s air defense zone. With increased tensions, Japan and South Korea raise military spending. What are the possibilities of war in East Asia? WATCH MORE When Titans Clash 2 Part 1: Part 2: SEASON 1: ====== About the show: As the war in Ukraine takes place, US-China relations worsen. China accuses the US of creating an Indo-Pacific version of NATO, and warns of a “Ukraine style tragedy” for Asia. ============ #CNAInsider #WhenTitansClashCNA #China #Taiwan #Politics For more, SUBSCRIBE to CNA INSIDER! Follow CNA INSIDER on: Instagram: Facebook: Website:

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