How can your choice of eating utensils help to lower your blood sugar levels, and reduce your risk of diabetes? Food scientist Professor Christiani Jeyakumar Henry, of the Singapore Institute of Food & Biotechnology Innovation, A*STAR, explains how you can have your rice and eat it, but still manage your glucose levels simply by using chopsticks instead of a spoon. Also, why does it matter whether you eat your carbs, your protein or your fibre first in a meal? Here’s the digestive science explained. 00:00 Glucose levels 01:36 How starch is broken down 01:57 Carbs, protein or veggies first? Watch the series, Food To Change The World: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkMf14VQEvTYPCWFFrwn-P0SmD39xcJNh #CNA #FoodToChangeTheWorldCNA #Food #Health #Diet #Diabetes #Chopsticks #Glucose About Food To Change The World: The world needs saving. We have the climate crisis. A raging pandemic, a mental health epidemic. Chef Ming Tan discovers food hacks, surprising diets, inventions, and solutions… and examines if they really have the potential to change the world for the better. He reveals and demystifies some of the trendy concepts such as healing grief and depression through diet and how food helps to manage chronic diseases. Also watch: What To Eat When Coping With Grief: https://youtu.be/twDvgTx2TMU Top Singapore Students’ Secrets: What To Eat During Exam Season? https://youtu.be/84QTbIvPMDU For more, SUBSCRIBE to CNA INSIDER! https://ift.tt/nHiA0BC Follow CNA INSIDER on: Instagram: https://ift.tt/rpEouI6 Facebook: https://ift.tt/ClgMw9h Website: https://ift.tt/e35vk1F
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