Asia's Lost Generation: The Hidden Cost Of COVID-19 On Philippines' Youth | Insight | Full Episode

For almost 2 years since the COVID-19 outbreak began in Philippines, schools in the Philippines have shut their doors to students. Children are kept mostly at home and classes have resumed through distance learning. But with no access to the necessary devices and uneven internet connections, many of the students have missed out on their education. Last year alone, around two million students dropped out of school. Poverty has also forced many of the children to take up illegal and often dangerous jobs to help their families cope with the economic impact of the health crisis. How can these children be helped? What would it take for the Philippine government to save these children before it’s too late? For greater INSIGHT into issues affecting Asia: =============== ABOUT THE SHOW: Insight investigates and analyses topical issues that impact Asia and the rest of the world. ========================== #CNAInsider #CNAInsiderInvestigates #Philippines #COVID19 For more, SUBSCRIBE to CNA INSIDER Follow CNA INSIDER on: Instagram: Facebook: Website:

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