What Makes A Singaporean In A Nation Of Immigrants? | Pride Over Prejudice - Part 2/2

Singapore is a global city that appears to embrace the world as over 1 in 3 persons on the island is not a citizen. When times are good, residents feel secure with new migrants in their midst, but the heat of crises reveal underlying cracks and the fault lines between native-born and newcomers. As xenophobic attitudes rise to the surface; people are quick to blame new migrants and foreigners for a range of issues, including job losses and the spread of viruses. Most Singaporeans in the heartlands say new migrants should do more to integrate and interact with local-born Singaporeans. This episode explores the challenges of migrant integration in Singapore. Could the right balance between renewal and stability, fluidity and strength, steer Singapore clear of the pitfalls and ills that plague other countries when it comes to immigration and integration. WATCH MORE Pride Over Prejudice: Ep 1: https://youtu.be/wKLANK0n1iU ======= About the show: The two-part documentary uncovers the roots of prejudice between ethnic & immigrant communities in Singapore and explores how pride in multicultural identity, values & heroes can overcome differences. ============== #CNAInsider #PrideOverPrejudiceCNA #Singapore #Singaporean For more, SUBSCRIBE to CNA INSIDER https://cna.asia/insideryoutubesub Follow CNA INSIDER on: Instagram: https://ift.tt/2C3sZiR Facebook: https://ift.tt/2PPEuNA Website: https://cna.asia/cnainsider

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