In this #TalkingPointExtra Q&A, Electric Vehicle (EV) advocate Paul Welsford, vice president of the Electric Vehicle Association of Singapore (EVAS), answers your questions and comments trawled from CNA Insider’s Facebook, YouTube and Instagram community. FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM: 00:00 How do I charge an electric car in an HDB car park? Are there enough chargers? 01:42 Certificate of Entitlement (COE) for EVs - is it a 10-year entitlement? 01:57 Average fuel costs of an electric car (Hyundai Kona) vs a petrol car (Hyundai Kona 1.6Turbo) based on vehicle efficiency and average annual mileage of 17,500km. 02:57 Cost of replacing an EV battery? How long is the warranty? 04:08 Can an EV battery be recycled? How are EV batteries disposed of? 05:10 Is it possible to swap out the EV battery by yourself? 06:36 What if an EV battery explodes - like battery fires involving Personal Mobility Devices (PMD) and e-bikes? 07:39 What if my EV battery dies in the middle of the road or highway? 08:19 Can I drive to Malaysia (Johor or even Kuala Lumpur) in an EV? Are there charging stations along the North-South highway? (Tip: Download Plugshare) 09:16 Why should I switch to an EV if it is not carbon neutral? The Singapore government has announced its vision for all vehicles run on cleaner energy by 2040. Watch #TalkingPoint episodes on electric vehicles: Switching To Electric Car: Is It Worth It?: Can Electric Vehicles Really Be Zero Emission?: WATCH: More behind-the-scenes and post-episode commentary on Talking Point Extras: Ate Fried Chicken For 14 Days - But Would I Try Going Vegetarian?: Tray Return Debate: The Comment That Got Diana Ser Riled Up: Intermittent Fasting Made My Dad Cranky: Lucy & Steven Chia Spill The Beans: For more, SUBSCRIBE to CNA INSIDER! Follow CNA INSIDER on: Instagram: Facebook: Website:
Home News&Politics Ask An Electric Car Expert: Fuel Costs, Charging in HDB Carpark, Driving To Malaysia | TP Extra
Ask An Electric Car Expert: Fuel Costs, Charging in HDB Carpark, Driving To Malaysia | TP Extra
By Anonymous At July 11, 2021 0
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