Polaroid & TikTok: How We Entered The Age Of Instant Videos | Ahead Of Their Time | CNA Documentary

Since humans have immortalised our lives in still and moving images, we have been equally obsessed with the urge to share it. The advent of the short video has fueled this desire further, making shareability' so much easier. The evolution of the short video industry has recorded the rise and fall of dozens of companies since the 1970s, but two companies stand out as remarkable gamechangers - early pioneer and instant photo legend Polaroid, and in more recent years, the mobile app TikTok. Continue watching Ahead Of Their Time: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkMf14VQEvTaAr608opR5FgCkZPOABu2Y ======= About the show: Before Netflix, there was Vestron. And Quorn before Impossible Foods. Get the inside scoop on ten pioneering companies and how their products and services shape the way we live, eat and connect. ============== #CNAInsider #AheadOfTheirTimeCNA #Photography #TikTok #Polaroid For more, SUBSCRIBE to CNA INSIDER https://cna.asia/insideryoutubesub Follow CNA INSIDER on: Instagram: https://ift.tt/2C3sZiR Facebook: https://ift.tt/2PPEuNA Website: https://cna.asia/cnainsider

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