Being A Transgender Model In Indonesia | EVERYDAY BOSSES #51

Indonesia is a highly conservative country with a large Muslim population. Ian Hugan, a transgender influencer in Indonesia, has received much criticism and hate comments because she is outspoken and proud of her identity as a transgender woman. We wanted to know what it’s like to be a transgender influencer and model in a conservative country, so we interviewed Ian, whose ultimate goal is to continue spreading her positive self-love message to a global audience. If you enjoyed Ian's story, download our free community app MOGAO and discover untold stories from Asia and all over the world. Being the most diverse and global online community in the world, we can start a movement to get local insight into the latest current events and social issues from every corner of the world to the forefront and bridge cultural and social gaps. Join the MOGAO community now and be a part of the global movement: App Store (iPhone): Play Store (Android):

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