Why can’t everybody get tested for COVID-19 yet?

In September, Hong Kong conducted voluntary mass testing for the novel coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2. Over two weeks, a quarter of the population signed up to be screened. In Singapore, screening for the coronavirus is available only with a doctor’s referral, for priority groups, and others mandated by the government. In this video, we explain why Singapore has taken a different approach so far, and some of the issues involved: 0:14 : Can I get a COVID-19 test if I wanted to? 1:13 : Why do we use nasal or throat swabs but not saliva tests? Are saliva tests accurate? 2:36 : Should Singapore test everyone so that life can go back to normal? 3:21 : When would mass testing make sense in Singapore? WATCH: The full episode of #TalkingPoint: https://youtu.be/ZglvL2v-FI8 ALSO WATCH: Can You Spread COVD-19 By Talking? https://youtu.be/b4p1lp5M_Wo Inside Coronavirus Human Vaccine Trials In Singapore: https://youtu.be/ZvVAZAe-WcY For more, SUBSCRIBE to CNA INSIDER! https://cna.asia/insideryoutubesub Follow CNA INSIDER on: Instagram: https://ift.tt/2C3sZiR Facebook: https://ift.tt/2PPEuNA Website: https://cna.asia/cnainsider

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