How ‘All Day and a Night’ Dazzles With a Street Scene | Anatomy of a Scene

Welcome to the sideshow, a street party with car stunts that has Bay Area roots. The writer and director Joe Robert Cole captures the energy of the event in this scene from his Oakland-set drama “All Day and a Night,” streaming on Netflix. In a tracking shot somewhat reminiscent of the opening one in ”Touch of Evil,” the movie’s lead character, Jakhor (Ashton Sanders), with his girlfriend, Shantaye (Shakira Ja’nai Paye), is led through a sideshow by his best friend, TQ (Isaiah John). But the scene focuses less on these three characters and more on the event itself, with a blend of hip-hop and tricked-out cars taking center stage. Two cars do doughnuts in the middle of the street, and the director takes a you-are-there approach, placing the camera right next to one vehicle as it spins and kicks up dust. In his narration, Cole, who was a screenwriter on “Black Panther,” discusses using locals in the scene, how he put the camera in the middle of the action, and how som Read the NYT review here: Subscribe: More from The New York Times Video: ---------- Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch.

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