The FOOD WASTE MAN (Myanmar)

► SUBSCRIBE for daily travel videos: ► INSTAGRAM for more: Today on the outskirts of Yangon, Myanmar, I met an amazing guy named Inda who started Bokashi Myanmar. His vision is to create a cleaner and greener Myanmar by turning everyday FOOD WASTE into rich soil including plants, fruits and vegetables. All you have to do is store all of your food waste at home into little bins to ferment for a week, then add the magical Bokashi bran and after 6-8 weeks, your food waste transformers into living soil. It's such an easy concept -- almost too simple to believe -- but it really works as I saw with my own eyes, and and everyone can do it at home! Bokashi can be purchased online and shipped to anywhere worldwide, so SHARE this video to help spread the word and inspire others how easy it is to live a more sustainable life. Follow @DrewBinsky on IG STORIES for more stories like this one! TEXT ME! +1 615 645 3288, I will respond :) FIND ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: ►FB: (I post daily videos there too) ►Instagram Stories: ►Tik Tok @DrewBinsky WHO AM I? My name is Drew Binsky and I am going to all 197 countries in the world. I make daily travel videos about people, culture and anything else I find interesting on the road. My ultimate goal is to inspire you to travel far and wide, because our planet is beautiful! MORE ABOUT ME: CONTACT ME: drew (at) drewbinsky (dot) com +1 615 645 3288

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