WORLD'S SHORTEST TRIBE (Pygmies of Central Africa)

► SUBSCRIBE for daily travel videos: ► INSTAGRAM? Join me: This is the hardest I've ever worked to find, plan and execute a story in terms of logistics, finances and production. It took me 2 months to plan and 35 hours to edit. It's also the longest video I've ever made, at 15 minutes, and I really hope you watch it all because I love this kind of storytelling. It's the reason why I travel. The pygmies are a group of tribal ethnicities native to Central Africa (Gabon, Cameroon, DRC and Central African Republic). About 900,000 of them in total are entirely dependent on the dense forest for survival. Genetically speaking, they are the world's shortest ethnic group for unknown reasons. I just spent 24 hours with them here in a remote part of Central African Republic and I made this story from my experience. Please note that I had full permission from the chief to make this story and he was very happy that I came, as you'll hear about in the interview after the credits. If you find this story interesting, please share it with your friends! I also welcome your comments, thoughts and feedback. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE :) Follow @DrewBinsky on IG Stories right now to see this stuff behind the scenes: FIND ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA: ►FB: (I post daily videos there too!) ►IG Stories: WHO AM I? My name is Drew Binsky and I am going to all 197 countries in the world. I make daily travel videos about people, culture and anything else I find interesting on the road. My ultimate goal is to inspire you to travel far and wide, because our planet is beautiful! MORE ABOUT ME: CONTACT ME: drew (at) drewbinsky (dot) com

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