Subscribe for new short films every Tuesday & Thursday here on DUST: http://bit.ly/2aqc5vh "PostHuman" by Cole Drumb A genius hacker and his dog help an enigmatic young woman to free the remaining test subjects of a black ops ESP test lab. PostHuman follows Terrence and his dog Nine in an adrenalized future of espionage, super science, and assassins. Terrence agrees to help Kali, an escaped test subject from a black ops ESP test lab, in her effort to free the last surviving imprisoned test subject. The assault on the lab is fast paced and intense as Terrence uses every hacker trick he knows to destroy the lab’s defenses and give Kali the opportunity to free her tortured lab mate, Benjamin. Gritty, hyperstylized, and dripping with intense images, PostHuman is NSFW, for children, or adults with no sense of adventure. Filmmaker's Statement: I am a geek. There is more to be sure but that identification may well be enough. I cannot say I am smart enough to be a nerd but I can say I am passionate enough to be a geek. The world of PostHuman came in an explosion of thought more than fifteen years ago, influenced by a wide variety of artists in many mediums. The work of realizing that world took another five years to construct, starting with script and sketches followed by storyboards (many many glorious boards) and later the hunt and hire for a staggeringly talented crew. A film professor once told me that film production equaled the long degeneration of a great idea and with PostHuman I want to believe I have put a burning match to that parasitic statement and killed it in a jar of alcohol. Learn more here: https://ift.tt/2PwrInP #SciFi #DUST #ShortFilm DUST is the first multi-platform destination for binge watchable sci-fi. We feature science fiction short films and other content from emerging filmmakers with stunning visual effects, captivating plots and complex character explorations. Robots, aliens, space exploration, technology, and human experience are all a part of DUST. Explore, subscribe and follow for more: Subscribe to DUST on YouTube: http://bit.ly/2aqc5vh Watch more: http://bit.ly/2amTSen Website: https://ift.tt/2e5dUQh Instagram: http://bit.ly/2amAhRt Facebook: http://bit.ly/2aqYgtZ Snapchat: http://bit.ly/2a9EV44 Sign-up for DUST newsletter: https://ift.tt/2et9AZ7
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