Aquaponics: How a fish might grow your next salad | #Decoder

Could the future of farming rely on pooping fish? Considered to be a sustainable alternative to traditional farming, aquaponics is changing the way we grow food.

As the world population increases and urban areas expand, the amount of land suitable to grow crops is shrinking, but aquaponics offers an innovative solution that could feed millions of people without a need for soil. It works by raising fish and plants together in a contained water system. The fish produce waste, which is filtered to remove solids and transformed into nutrient-rich water through a two-step bacterial process. The enriched water is then pumped into a separate tank where seedlings float on soil-free growing beds, illuminated by special LED lamps that provide optimal light for growth. Through this method, crops grow 20 percent faster than plants grown using traditional farming techniques. For that reason, aquaponics is emerging as a sustainable option for cities, islands, and developing regions where land and water resources may be limited.

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