Bitharp Liquid Cooled Mining Rigs Review | SCAM ALERT | Lyre Miner & Harp Bitcoin Miners FAKE!

Bitharp claims to be the most profitable Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Dash mining rig to ever be created earning thousands of dollars a month. Lets review Bitharp and their "liquid cooled mining rigs"! Subscribe to VoskCoin for more videos! - This video is thanks to Scott Offord - Bitharp official scam fake website - Buy a Bitcoin miner that actually exists - Bitharp is currently flooding the internet with fake news of their "liquid cooled mining rigs" these crypto mining rigs can magically mine Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Dash and are somehow 30x better than the leading mining competition from established miner manufacturing companies like Bitmain. For example the fake Bitharp Lyre miner and Harp miner claim to be better than the leading Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Dash miners from Bitmain, Innosilicon, Canaan, and the rest. The mining profitability of the scam Bitharp liquid cooled mining rigs absolutely blow away any other mining devices that are currently out on the market, if that was true -- why would they sell these cryptocurrency mining rigs, and if they did decide to sell these fake Bitharp liquid cooled mining rigs then why would they not be priced higher than a 1 month FAKE ROI? Furthermore the terahashes per second of these mining rigs is physically impossible unless Bitharp has discovered advanced alien crypto mining technology.. So without further ado lets review the fake scammy Bitharp Lyre miner and Harp miners today! Relevant links! Bitharp official scammy website - Scott Offord reviews scam Bitharp miners - The fake scam Bitharp interview - Bitcointalk Bitharp lyre harp miner scam review - Fake scam Bitharp Lyre Miner - Fake scam Bitharp Harp Miner - Fake scam Bitharp mining profits - Bitharp launches miner fake news - Bitharp best ROI mining rig fake news - Yahoo Finance reporting fake crypto miners - VoskCoin Patreon - VoskCoin Facebook - VoskCoin Reddit - VoskCoin Discord Server Invite - VoskCoin Twitter - VoskCoin Instagram - VoskCoin Official Donation Addresses BTC - 12PsgKuhcJrEqJbD3oMN7rcEcuyqyqRznL ETH - 0xDEe6A2ae293F8C58Ef71649658344BbF382b6e70 ZEC - t1ZoVF5t75NahSAfuwpcyHA8uzkPyocXpJZ VoskCoin is for entertainment purposes only and is never intended to be financial investment advice. VoskCoin owns or has owned cryptocurrency and associated hardware. VoskCoin may receive donations or sponsorships in association with certain content creation. VoskCoin may receive compensation when affiliate/referral links are used. VoskCoin is home of the Doge Dad, VoskCoin is not your Dad, and thus VoskCoin is never liable for any decisions you make. Numerous screenshots and video clips were used in the making of this video all under fair use copyright act and creative commons 3.0. Sources below Bitharp official website - Bitharp interview video - Bitharp ROI profitability - #Cryptocurrency #Mining #Bitharp #CryptoMining #Bitcoin

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