Korean Men Discuss Whether BTS Should Receive Military Service Exemption | STREET DEBATE

In South Korea, every Korean male over the age of 19 is required to serve in the military and the Korean government has recently stated that the members of BTS, the biggest boyband in the world, are not exempt. We hit the streets of Seoul to ask Korean men how they feel about the mandatory military service and whether BTS should be exempt. The opinions expressed in this video are those of individual interviewees alone and do not reflect the views of ASIAN BOSS or the general South Korean population. If you enjoyed this video, download our free community app MOGAO and discover untold stories from Asia and all over the world. Being the most diverse and global online community in the world, we can start a movement to get local insight into the latest current events and social issues from every corner of the world to the forefront and bridge cultural and social gaps. Join the MOGAO community now and be a part of the global movement:  App Store (iPhone): https://bit.ly/2wyascp Play Store (Android): https://bit.ly/2UxJycD #KoreanMilitaryService #BTS #StreetDebate

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